February 14, 2011

Spring Gown Collection

Here's how you know you have chosen the right gown - you put it on and you can almost hear choirs of angels singing!  I've heard others say the same. But ok, I'm a fickle person when it comes to fashion. I'll admit that much! When I went gown shopping, I was almost afraid to look and more afraid to buy because I know myself and thought I'd pick the wrong gown.  And I was all about the gown so this really kind of terrified me. 

Well, here's an interesting revelation- When I first saw my gown, it was on a mannequin in the shop window.  It was not remarkable enough for me to even think about trying it on. But after a few "so so" gowns, the sales lady brought in the one from the window.  I had my choirs of angels moment and bought the gown. It was like -OMG a totally different gown on me!   To this day, I LOVE that gown.  17 and a half years later, all things being equal, I'd pick the same gown! (I was 8 when I got married! ;) lol!) But, really I would! In fact, I think the true test of loving your gown will only come years down the road, when you look at other gowns and think you absolutely got THE gown!

The gowns that I see now that really make me oooooo and aahhhhh are strikingly similar to my Priscilla of Boston silk and tulle ball gown of yesteryear!

So given that description, is it any surprise that I really love this gown! 

Mia Solano M1155L
I think it's just stunning! 

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