December 28, 2010

Whimsical Marriage Proposal

Thanks to Christine at BridalTweet for sharing this today!  This should be posted on a Whimsical Wednesday but I just can't wait to share it with you!

This proposal couldn't be any sweeter and creatively personalized ... LOVE IT!!!  Sid Ceaser arranged for his video to be played as a movie preview trailer at the Red River Theater on Dec. 12, 2010 when Sid took his sweatheart Sara to the movies.  If you would like to read their whole story, check out Sid's blog at Ceaser Photography  (it's well worth the read!)

Clearly Sid's a pro and put together a steller video for Sara. I love how personalized and detailed he made this.    I wonder how they'll incorporate their Whatnot's into their wedding? 

If you would like to create a Muppet of yourself, check out the Whatnot Workshop at FAO Schwarz    Here's how I Muppet Whatnot-ed myself:

So what do you think? She needs a little more flip in her hair but not bad for a first shot.  I may have to consider one of these!

December 24, 2010

Ho Ho Ho!!

May the peace & joy of the season be with you!

Merry Christmas!

December 23, 2010

Counter Intelligence Against Guestzilla

(Part 4)
Feature Article

By Tracey Baxter

Today we conclude with what were listed as the first three guest complaints listed by TheKnot. I featured these tips in my eZine last week which gave me inspiration to create this series for the remaining guestzilla complailnts. You can subscribe to the Aisle Do eZine too! If you missed the other posts in this series, check out Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

Guest’s Complaint: Terrible Timing! A ceremony at noon with a reception that starts at 7pm was the timing disaster example. A 6 hour gap between the ceremony and the reception is a tad beyond the call of duty for your guests, but it’s possible that the church will only have weddings at specific times so you have little control over that.

So here’s the thing! If you give your guests something to do between times, they will think that you are the snazziest bride this century.

Even a budget bride can provide an itinerary of events that your guests can enjoy while waiting for the reception. So let your guests become true tourists! The chamber of commerce will have a wealth of information about what is happening around town on your wedding day. Take a look at those brochures you popped in the “OOT Bags” and create a list of affordable activities that will suit the break between wedding events.

Here is a free idea for your guests to be sure to include on your list:
  1. Walking tours work well in cities with interesting architecture, art structures, parks, and interesting shops or galleries to check out but can be done anywhere that tries to promote tourism. The chamber of commerce will be happy to provide you with maps and if they don’t already have a walking tour created for your city, for free or a small fee a staff member may be able to help you determine an interesting path for your guests to see the sights. Provide your guests with a heads up that they should keep some comfy shoes in the car in your pocket/invitation inserts.
  2. Driving tours through historic districts and other scenic areas are also fun and in inclement weather would be preferred to the walking tour.
  3. Provide your guests with an envelope as they leave the ceremony containing both a walking and driving tour options and a map will let them choose what level of touring they are up to.
  4. Rather than just ‘map’ the quickest route from ceremony to reception, intentionally take them on a journey through town that highlights what makes it special to you and your fiancĂ©.
Guest’s Complaint: The Wrong Day! Holiday weekends and random weekdays are the guest's issue. This can be legitimate complaint because, cutting right to the chase, in spite of favorable pricing for you, there are logistical issues to consider for your guests. AND don't discount the logistics for yourself in planning an “off day” wedding. First, let's look at the guest POV: Long distance visitors may have airfare to purchase, taking off work days may be difficult and they may have other holiday traditions to consider.

Have you considered how the 'off day' wedding can affect other wedding related events. Particularly for Sunday weddings, the venue is probably not closed to events the Saturday before your wedding. In fact, it’s most likely booked. Scheduling your ceremony rehearsal at a time that it doesn’t interfere with the other client’s event will be the priority of the site coordinator, regardless of what this means for your convenience. So your rehearsal could be at 10:00am. If the groom’s family would like to plan a rehearsal dinner in the evening, there will be quite a gap between the rehearsal and dinner. If you get caught in this scenario, perhaps your bridesmaids’ luncheon and an afternoon of golf for the groomsmen can fill in the odd time between the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.

The main thing to consider when planning the wedding on a holiday weekend or weekday is that the number of guests able to attend may be less than if the wedding was on any other Saturday. So think about whom you most want to share your wedding day! And be prepared to send ‘save the date’ cards or reach out by phone or email well in advance to let them know of your plans so they can get the best airfare or plan vacation time accordingly. Similarly to having a long stretch between ceremony and reception, providing your guests a good list of what is happening around town for the holiday is going to be invaluable to them.
Examples for holiday fun ideas and itineraries should include:

Independence Day Weekend:
    • Times for fireworks and the best places to scope them out
    • Historically significant locations around town, particularly if they will have any living history exhibits include those times
    • Best place for a back-yard style burger and beer
Easter Weekend:

    • Local churches and service times
    • Restaurants offering brunch
    • Easter Egg Hunts
Weekday Weddings:
    • The out of town guests will have to take time off to attend. Make the most of their visit and spend some extra time with them. Breakfast with the newlyweds is always appreciated, even if it’s a “Dutch Treat” or “continental”.
    • If they don’t have to head out too early head to a park or other lovely place with them for some extra quality time.

Remember - Guests always have the option to decline your invitation and if it’s a hardship or burden for them to attend your wedding, they should could decline. It is your celebration and you thought enough of them to invite them. It's impossible to please everyone!

Guest Complaint: The Food! TheKnot's article states that guests would rather have a great meal over a pretty centerpiece and their gift should ensure a great meal or at least a guarantee that they won’t go hungry. The taste of the food is a subjective issue – one person’s yummy is another person’s yucky.

If you have not tasted the food that will be served at your reception, you might be surprised to find the food isn’t as tasty as they claimed. The wise bride will either request a tasting or will request a referral list. But qualify the list you request to include at least the last 5 event hosts, if not more. You will get a clearer idea of what people liked and what they didn’t. Not only will this be a recent group of clients, it will be non-seeded clients. Just asking for a referral list, you will get a list full of clients who will have had the best experiences with your caterer or venue. If you are sure that the food is something you enjoy, then you can be worry free about the guests enjoying it.

Now that you’ve got the taste of the food as much under control as possible, be sure your menu suits the style of your event and the time of day. Nobody will expect more than cocktails and hors d'oeuvres at and early afternoon reception but if your ceremony will be between 3pm and 5pm, standard heavy hors d'oeuvres may not be enough to satisfy your guests as a meal. However, adding one or two food stations in addition to the passed hors d’oeuvres or changing hors d’oeuvres selections every 30 to 45 minutes will satisfy guests more than a static menu throughout the reception. Change up the signature cocktail a few time throughout the evening too!

Congratulations! With all of the tips in this series, you can successfully avoid inviting the same guestzilla that TheKnot interviewed! As I always say - a properly prioritized budget will avoid a comedy of errors down the road.  Have what is important to you at your wedding invest your money there!

December 22, 2010

Counter Intelligence Against Guestzilla ...Part 3

Welcome first time visitors - the first two installments of my Guestzilla series posted on Monday and Tuesday - check them out!  Welcome Back to the regulars!  Today we're going to take on two more of the Guestzilla complaints and see what solutions can avoid these kinds of complaints from guests.  
So let's get started!

Guest Complaint: You Didn’t Say Thank You
These guests are not just full of hot air. It’s truly important to spend a few minutes with guests and thank them for their support at your wedding and make them feel welcome. And it’s not more or less important for local vs. guests coming from a distance. With a plan in place ahead of time, you can avoid this sort of complaint and earn the title of excellent host!

For buffet meals, your caterer or wedding coordinator can plate your meal and serve you as the DJ is announcing that the buffet is open. This saves you some time in the buffet line and the inevitable conversation that will make getting through the line more challenging. If this is not possible, you really should go through the line first with the wedding party, both sets of parents and grandparents following. This allows you and your new husband to get to sit and eat! You don’t have to rush, but by design, you'll be the first finished eating and then you can begin visiting tables of guests and spend a few minutes at each table, speaking to everyone there.

It will take most of the dinner hour to get to each table, perhaps slightly longer depending on the guest count, but this efficient strategy will make your guests feel valued.  An added benefit is you'll have successfully visited with most of your guests before the celebration really gets underway.

Keep in mind that thanking them for sharing the celebration with you at the wedding does not eliminate the need to send thank you cards to anyone who brought a gift. 

Guest Complaint:  Working at the Wedding
Doing what they view as insignificant (such as the guest book attendant) or being asked last minute to "help" was the frustration.  

The guest book may or may not need an attendant depending on the ceremony location and your personal preference.  If the vestibule is small, putting the book on a highboy near the entrance or adding a decorative sign to draw guest attention to the book will eliminate the need for someone to physically be near the guestbook the entire time.  You may still need to assign someone the responsibility of taking the guestbook from the ceremony to the reception site. 

While it's free to ask someone in the wedding party to watch the flower girl, it's worth the expense to hire a babysitter so that everyone can enjoy the evening.  The venue manager or your wedding coordinator may have recommendations for inexpensive local babysitters. There may be a small room adjacent to the reception room, that can be used for babysitting. 

It's super important to communicate with all of your attendants what duties they will be responsible to perform. Springing last minute work on a guest when it's not an emergency is really inconsiderate. Unfortunately, there are brides that think this is OK. But don't be one of them! Plan in advance for all the tasks that will need to be accomplished. Make a detailed list and as soon as possible, but ideally at least 3 weeks before your wedding, ask your attendants and other honored guest if they can lend a hand in a specific area.

See you Thursday for the final three complaints by guests!

December 21, 2010

Counter Intelligence Against Guestzilla ...Part 2

Good Morning and Welcome to our second installment in our Guestzilla series! 
If you missed yesterday's post, check it out now to catch up!

Guest Complaint: A Cash Bar 
Cash bars are not the most graceful etiquette, in fact, if you are unable to pay for the bar, the best etiquette says not to have one at all.  If you decide to have a bar, collaborate with your caterer or bartender to keep costs down by:
  • Offering a few specific drinks for a period of time rather than a full bar menu all night long
  • Ask if you can pay for part of the bar and it partly be a cash bar. For example, if the bar tab is $13 per person, request to pay $7.50 and ask the bartenders only charge half price to the guests.
  • The current trend is to offer a signature cocktail and perhaps beer and wine or champaign.

Probably the biggest issue with the cash bar is guests will need to bring money but not knowing that are embarrassed when they get to the bar.  The key to remedy this is communication.  If you are going to include a cash bar for part of or the entire evening, use your wedding website to update your guests on wedding plans, including note on the itinerary that cash bar service begins at a X time during the night – be that at 5:00pm when the reception starts or at 9:30pm after the 4 hour open bar.  For non-internet connected guests, be sure to reach out to them in other ways.  Preparing your guests with as much information as possible helps them to plan to have a great time at your wedding!

Guest Complaint: The “and Guest” was missing.
The best etiquette is to allow your wedding attendants a plus one, but there is no obligation to include "and guest" for every single guest you invite.  The guest list does not need to double just so you can offer all singles a ‘plus one’. So don’t feel stressed about keeping the guest list small to save money! 

It’s the best etiquette for the guest to respect your invitation. This is why it is critical to properly address the invitations. The outer envelope is addressed for mailing address. The inner envelope will list specifically who from that household is invited. If you wish to have children, then their names would be listed below their parents. If you didn’t want to extend the invitation to the children, then leave their names off of the inner envelope.

If you are not using a double envelope system for your invitation set, do include all guests on the mailing address envelop or send each invited guest in the household a separate personal invitation.  This will reduce questions about who is or is not included.

By letting your band or DJ know if there will be a significant number of single guests attending, they can encourage mingling and help them to partner up for dancing.

See you Wednesday for part 3!

December 20, 2010

Counter Intelligence Against Guestzilla .... Part 1

How much fun your guests have at your wedding depends on plenty of variables, some of which you can’t even begin to plan for. Recently, an article “What Your Guests Are Really Thinking”, was posted at and focused on what people really don't want or enjoy as wedding guests. How can you avoid a guestzilla that talks about your wedding the same way these guests did in that article? Check out these solutions to some common guest complaints! And check back here all week because we'll address a few more complaints from the list plus offer solutions for them each day.

Guest Complaint: This is boring!
The toasts are too long, the band isn’t engaging, the food takes too long to be served and the list goes on. A boring wedding is hard to imagine because the safeguards for this issue are really doable!

Take the toasts! Some toasts can be taken care of at the rehearsal dinner. With only a few toasts at the reception it's more tolerable for everyone! And by giving the list of toasters to your DJ, you'll avoid being the bad guy. To keep it moving, keep David Tutera’s rule of thumb in mind and switch up the activity every 30 minutes - including the toasts! Communicate to anyone making a toast and ask they please limit to 5 or 6 minutes so you can safely have 4 to 5 toasts and still keep the guests attention. Alternately, you can allow fewer to toast and they each may speak just slightly longer.

The DJ or band – do your homework. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to truly see the DJ in action unless you found them at a freind's wedding. Any promo video will be purely their best work so real life recommendations are the key to successfully hiring entertainment! Specifically request to contact some of their most recent clients. And then don’t be afraid to use that list! Of primo importance is to ask the couples if they have any video of their wedding that included the band or DJ and if they would share with you. You’ll get to see first hand how entertaining the group or DJ is vs. seeing only their self-compiled best work cd.

Some keys to a fun reception:

  • Offering some fun for the younger crowd – crayons and other no-mess art supplies, games or puzzles - at a special kids table or individually in a backpack or bucket, will keep the little ones from monopolizing the dance floor and allows the adults to feel freer to enjoy dancing!

  • Get some inexpensive props and a few prizes so the band or DJ can MC a dance-off, a limbo contest, hula hooping contests or line dances to get the crowd energized and interacting!
Food service woes - Service issues may not be readily fixable on event day. Guests being served cold food will mostly reflect on the venue or caterer, but it’s your responsibility to make sure they plan to be fully staffed. Generally, for each 10 guests, one server should be provided to adequately serve a plated meal. This ensures tables are served simultaneously or as quickly as meals can be plated and put on the tray! If your caterer puts servers on your itemized estimate, don’t dream of making due with one or two fewer than they suggest!

Guest Complaint: Seating sabotage!
A well thought out seating plan will always combat seating frustrations. Being mindful of speakers, heating, cooling and having casual places to sit and chat will go a long way in making your guests happy. And be mindful of if Aunt Suzy hasn't seen Aunt Jane in a few year because they may want to sit close to each other (or avoid each other!)

The Layout -Check with the band or DJ to find out the dimension of their equipment so you can arrange for tables to be placed far enough away from them that guests are not overwhelmed or crowded. The site coordinator may have a room diagram you can use or can provide the room measurements so you can sketch out a layout using graph paper yourself.

Temperature control -While adding heat or air-conditioning to a tent or open air venue makes the budget tick a little higher, you will be so glad you did this and so will your guests. Everyone is going to be a little warm in their formal wear but fall or early spring outdoor weddings may require heating after the sun goes down. Remember to place generators as far away from the event as possible so their noise will not disturb your or guests!

Seating comforts - Creating seating areas with couches and additional flower arrangements are lovely, but if this is not in your budget priorities, park benches or extra folding chairs and small side table will work just as well. Pillows atop low walls are also an interesting seating option for outdoor venues. Guests do need a place to sit or at least set their drinks down for a short time. But the intention of the cocktail hour is for mingling so don’t overdo it with seating options by recreating the reception room in the cocktail hour.

....See you back here Tuesday when we'll chat about the bar and the single guests!

December 08, 2010

Kathy Ireland Weddings by 2be  

I counted just 9 of the 35 gowns in this spring 2011 collection that had any kind of material on the shoulders. So if you are looking for a strapless gown, you'll want to check out Kathy Ireland's bridal collection for 2be. You'll also find dresses for bridesmaids, mothers, and flower girls.

And who wouldn't mind getting a gown for free? So go ahead and
enter to win a Mon Cheri gown! Woo-hoo!

Here's my favorite from Kathy Ireland's collection:

kathy ireland Weddings by 2be Item View